Alan Hanslik, Composer
Website: https://www.alanhanslik.com
Alan Hanslik is an American multi-instrumentalist musician, composer and producer. His early exposure to music was through accordion, piano and then drums. Gigging from an early age in a variety of groups, leading to tours across the US. Settling in LA, he began performing in a number of jazz groups through-out the area. Ultimately turning to piano and guitar, he began composing, releasing a number of Electronic albums. Alan started his own label & music publishing, OnaiMusic Recordings & Publishing - his music is widely distributed. He formed his band, Hanslik & Moniz Experiment, writing unconventional & experimental music - releasing a number of genre cross-over albums. Alan continues to produce albums across New Age, Ambient, Electronic and Classical Contemporary styles. Turning to composing for visual, Alan began scoring for Film/TV along with Video Games and Commercials.